被称为“休斯顿的普利茅斯岩石”,” is where August Chapman and John Kirby Allen stepped ashore in 1836 to found Houston.
熊溪先锋公园是一个2,占地100英亩的公园,设有步行道, 网球场, 球场, 一条马术道,甚至还有一个小动物园. 占地数英亩,为游客铺设了道路和停车场.
布法罗河口公园 is a 160-acre greenspace that lies just west of downtown Houston. 公园里, 由布法罗河合伙公司运营, includes beautiful gardens and native landscaping; 远足和自行车道; paddle craft and bike rentals; the Johnny Steele dog park; public art; a creative nature play area; gathering places for visitors to picnic and enjoy outdoor activities.
Created in honor of the astronauts who lost their lives in the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, 挑战者七号纪念公园包含自然步道, 鸟类保护区, 天然湿地上的木板路和纪念地.
ADDRESS地址:2301 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX 77598
的 main attraction at 国会议员比尔·阿彻·帕克 is the 17-acre dog park that accommodates dogs of all sizes. 公园里还有步道和滑板公园.
ADDRESS: 3201高速路6北,休斯顿,TX 77084
快9点了,300英亩, 卡伦公园拥有一个复杂的球场, 多个野餐区, 远足和自行车道, 一个射箭场和一个水上游乐场.
ADDRESS地址:19008 Saums Rd, Houston, TX 77084
纪念美国第41任总统乔治.W. 以布什的名字命名的7800英亩的公园包括一个足球场ds, 操场, 小径, 一个射击场和野餐亭.
ADDRESS地址:15201 westtheimer Pkwy, Houston, TX 77082
作为市政厅的庭院, 赫尔曼广场占据了一个城市街区, 周围是一个倒影池. 我s the site of numerous city-sponsored festivals and events throughout the year.
ADDRESS: 900 Bagby St,休斯顿,得克萨斯州77002
赫尔曼公园, a 717-acre park located eight miles from downtown is currently renovating a 24-acre section to have rolling hills with pavilions, 一个新的游乐区和原生景观. 被称为“公地”,’ this project is the first of the park’s 20-year master plan for improvements. 赫尔曼目前有一个湖, 湿地面积, 日式花园, 百年花园, Miller Outdoor 的atre and the Houston Zoo as well as a number of 小径 and picnic spots.
的 500-acre Keith-Wiess公园 includes baseball and soccer fields, 网球场和篮球场, 还有野餐帐篷 in a wooded setting with several detention ponds designed to ease flooding in the area.
ADDRESS地址:12300 Aldine Westfield Rd, Houston, TX 77093
Named for famed Houston conservationist Terry Hershey who worked to save Buffalo Bayou, 特里好时公园包含一个新twork of 小径 for runners and cyclists.
ADDRESS15200 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77079
汤姆巴斯地区公园 covers roughly 115 acres and features a jogging trail, 占地23英亩的湖泊和钓鱼码头.
ADDRESS地址:15108 Cullen Blvd, Houston, TX 77047
宁静的公园, 位于沃克街和鲁斯克街之间, 是为了纪念人类首次登月十周年ing to honor Apollo 11 and includes cylindrical water fountains.
ADDRESS: 701 Brooks St, Houston, TX 77009
有四支大联盟运动队, an abundance of bike and jogging 小径 and some of largest urban parks in the nation, 休斯顿是体验户外活动的好地方.
Houston is one of only a handful of cities in the country with resident companies in all of the major performing arts disciplines including opera, 戏剧, 音乐剧, 交响乐和芭蕾. 的re are also 19 different arts and cultural institutions that make up the walkable Museum District.
Houston offers a wide variety of neighborhoods to suit the taste and budget of residents. 找到你的完美邻居.